You’re Stronger Than You Think. I’ll Show You the Way.
Mental Fitness Immersion
What to Expect
Mental fitness is your ability to respond to life’s challenges with a positive, rather than negative, mindset. In the Mental Fitness Immersion, we work in a ‘POD’ group to help strengthen each of your three core mental fitness muscles: Self Command; Saboteur Interceptor; and Sage.
Think of it this way: If you’re physically fit, you can climb steep hills without physical stress. If you’re mentally fit, you can handle life’s great challenges without mental stress or negative emotions.
This work integrates the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science—to improve your mental fitness. Mental fitness is measured by your Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ). PQ is based on work by Shirzad Chamine, Stanford University lecturer and creator of the Positive Intelligence® program, which is also a New York Times bestseller.
POD work is supported by a phone app that includes daily reminders to focus and practice coaching challenges. We know that change comes from 20% inspiration and 80% muscle. Doing an intensive practice initially (15 minutes per day, broken into four 2–3 minute segments over a 6–8 week period) is key to rewiring your brain for lasting change. Each week begins on Saturday with a one-hour video to watch over the weekend and is supported by a coaching session on Mondays (based on participants’ schedules).
The Tangible Benefits of Mental Fitness
© 2022 Positive Intelligence
Program Schedule
Week One
Take Assessments
Download App
Watch Week One Video (60 Minutes)
Week Two
Boost Self-Command
Weekly Coach Session (55 Minutes)
Daily Focus, Coach Challenges, Reflection (15 min/day)
Saturday/Sunday: Watch Week Two Video (60 Minutes)
Week Three
Intercept the Judge
Weekly Coach Session (55 Minutes)
Daily Focus, Coach Challenges, Reflection (15 min/day)
Saturday/Sunday: Watch Week Three Video (60 Minutes)
Week Four
Accomplice Saboteurs
Weekly Coach Session (55 Minutes)
Daily Focus, Coach Challenges, Reflection (15 min/day)
Saturday/Sunday: Watch Week Four Video (60 Minutes)
Week Five
Shift To Sage
Weekly Coach Session (55 Minutes)
Daily Focus, Coach Challenges, Reflection (15 min/day)
Saturday/Sunday: Watch Week Five Video (60 Minutes)
Week Six
Boost Your Sage
Weekly Coach Session (55 Minutes)
Daily Focus, Coach Challenges, Reflection (15 min/day)
Saturday/Sunday: Watch Week Six Video (60 Minutes)
Week Seven
Taking Action
Weekly Coach Session (55 Minutes)
Daily Focus, Coach Challenges, Reflection (15 min/day)
Saturday/Sunday: Watch Wrap up Video (60 Minutes)
Week Eight
Moving Forward
Weeks Nine - Twelve
Personalized Wellbeing Goals
Weekly Coach Session (55 Minutes)
Opportunities for Growth
Weekly Coach Session (55 Minutes)
Opportunities for Growth
Co-Create Your Wellbeing Journey